Treat Yourself

I decided to put together a gift guide for you to treat yourself.  This time of year, everyone is giving back and spoiling others so much that I think we forget to take care of ourselves.  A spa day or a simple manicure could do the trick or you could pick one of these (which I would totally do because seriously... all the heart eyes).

  1. Louis Vuitton Key Pouch - This is the best way to carry around your keys and cards and license when you are constantly switching bags (guilty!) I know it looks small but trust me, it fits your cards as well. I have been using one by Tory Burch from my aunt for years but I think it has seen better days.

  2. Velvet Hair Tie Ribbon - As most of my friends and family know, I am a die hard scrunchie girl. Most of the time they are my old gymnastics schrunchies that all have matching leotards, might I add. These little guys are so cute I might actually put the schrunchie away for the day. I love both the blush and green colors!

  3. Yeti Rambler, 30oz. - I have heard the best reviews on this travel mug and although it is a bit pricier, it's worth it. And I'm a sucker for pink so....

  4. Barbour Beadnell Waxed Cotton Jacket - I have been dying for this jacket since I was a freshman in college. One day I will just treat myself to this New England staple, I swear.

  5. What do you Meme? - Similar to cards against humanity but with memes. Do I need to say more?

  6. Reversible Belt - This Talbots belt is killer. I spotted it a few months ago and have been lusting after it since. I also feel like you could justify the price because a. good quality and b. its a two-for-one deal since it is reversible.

  7. Leather Tech Gloves - Sophisticated enough for work but also great because I constantly need to use my phone for work. Win, win. These also come in a beautiful pecan color and in black but there is something so fun about the pink. Probably more practical if I got the pecan though.

  8. Wanderlust Map - This gold scratch of map is perfect for those who want to track where they have been. I have an app on my phone that I use but kind of thought it would be cool to have something I could physically hang in my dressing/guest room.

  9. Bean Boots - I am obsessed with my bean boots but this pair looks so comfy and warm for those days when I am out shoveling snow or playing with Dakota. Can you really have too many pairs of bean boots when you live in New England?

  10. Mophie - Here is a little extra that isn't feature above. I totally forgot I wanted one of these until this very moment. It is the most intense phone charger and I am pretty positive I am going to need one soon. I am constantly killing my battery and my spare battery that I got a few years ago. I have hear amazing things about Mophies and think that they would last much longer.

When was the last time you treated yourself?  My fall treat just came in the mail (hiiii faux fur coat), so these won't be in my hands for a while but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead.

Bucket List Item

Similar to Mackenzie's 101 in 1001 list, I have started keeping a New England bucket list.  While yes, these activities and adventures can take place anywhere, I am looking to do them up here.  Some of the travel is out of the country so those do not exactly apply to the New England theme but I promise, for the most part, they all will!

My first list item that I want to share with all of you is... spend the night in a lighthouse. 


There is a surprisingly high number of lighthouses to can rent for the night within New England but I narrowed it down to seven that I would totally go for!

  1. Rose Island Lighthouse - Newport, RI: this one is right in our backyard practically. The price is seriously affordable and it is on the national register of historical places. You have to take a boat out to the island but I can think of worse places to be stuck for the night.

  2. Race Point Lighthouse - North Truro, MA: Depending on the time of year, you can see whales and seals right from the beach. Talk about a dream to me.

  3. Goose Rocks Light - North Haven, ME: Goose Rocks Light has enough to room for up to six guests! Lighthouse party anyone?

  4. Borden Flats Lighthouse - Fall River, MA: Other than a few modern day conveniences (i.e. solar electricity and a modern kitchen), Borden Flats Lighthouse remains true to the late 1800s. This lighthouse stands alone and has been around for over a century.

  5. Wings Neck Lighthouse - Pocasset, ME: Wings Neck Lighthouse is a former Coast Guard property that can accommodate up to 8 guests. Talk about fun!

  6. Little River Lighthouse - Cutler, ME: Little River Lighthouse is situated on a 15-acre island with stunning views of Cutler Harbor. Only accessible by boat, this little slice of heaven is a place for relaxation and adventure.

  7. Cuckholds Lighthouse - W. Southport, ME: Cuckholds Lighthouse actually a luxury Inn. You can rent a suite or even the whole island and it is the perfect for a romantic getaway or a vacation with family. A lighthouse you can be pampered at? Sign. me. up.

October Mood Board

Things have been a bit slow around here lately (not that they are ever really that consistent), but I am looking to change that.  I started my new job at the end of September and love is an understatement.  I feel like I was meant for this job and I cannot wait to continue to grow there.  

Since fall has arrived, the temperatures only dropped to sweater weather for a few days while a hurricane was in town. I am in no rush for the weather to cool down but getting dressed in the morning has proven to be difficult.  I have found that short sleeve sweaters are my go to right now.  They are they perfect in between.  And while I cannot sport my bean boots too often just yet, they will be in heavy rotation soon.


picnic image via sarah vickers | sweater | bean boot painting via meredith hanson

Charlestown, RI

When my friend, Jordan, was home for the weekend, we knew we wanted to head to her mom's house and explore the neighborhood.  Yes, that's right.  The pictures below are from her neighborhood.  It took about two minutes to walk there from her back door.  How amazing is this view?  We felt pretty darn lucky to explore on such a beautiful day, we had to snap some pics. 

caitlin-elliott-two piece-charlestown
caitlin-elliott-two piece-charlestown
caitlin-elliott-two piece-charlestown

skirt + top set sold out, same set here 

September Mood Board

Summer is not over until the 22nd so I am clearly still living like its July. (#summerforever) I did switch out our pillows for a more "fall" look with the below navy gingham set from Target.  They don't scream summer or fall so I can handle that.  I also have started switching out my short sleeve stripes for longer options.  I am hanging on to the warm weather for as long as possible.


My Ring Story

Every now and again I catch myself looking down at my finger in awe.  I say β€œin awe” because I cannot believe how lucky I am to wear the same diamonds on my finger that my father proposed to my mother with pictured below. (I took the shot of my mother's engagement ring and wedding band a year or two ago.)


I was extremely young when my dad passed and unfortunately, I have lived more than half my life without him.  Although our time together was short (10 years to be exact), I know he loved my mom more than anything.  I remember seeing them together and knowing that their relationship would be the kind I want some day. (I never thought I would be the one so attached to skiing and T would be the one with a torn ligament on the slopes.  My parents had it the other way around πŸ˜‰).

I honestly don’t know how the conversation happened but at some point, my sister and I decided who would get what of my mom’s jewelry one day.  When it came time to talk about things from my dad, Jacqui had her eyes set on a specific diamond necklace so I went with the rings.  Little did I know how much it would mean to me later on.   After T asked my mom for permission, she gave him the rings in a favorite little town of ours, Sea Isle.  Don’t ask how I missed the hand off but somehow, I didn’t take notice.


Our conversations soon became much more serious about marriage and you bet I made sure T had an idea in mind of what I wanted for an engagement ring.  He had the ring reset and held on to it for the perfect moment to ask.  I was getting a little suspicious and annoying, I assume, so T had to catch me by surprise (like really catch me) so I wouldn’t ruin it for myself.

He did a pretty darn good job, if I do say so myself. *all the heart eyes*

photographs by elizabeth friske

Mellow Yellow

People might think I am crazy for this but I am going to say it anyways; yellow is the new millennial pink.  I may be biased because yellow is my absolute favorite color and always has been but I really believe it is on the rise.  Several of my favorite brands have taken notice and are including it in their new lines or as their brand colors.


Summersalt is my new favorite bathing suit line.  They have the most flattering suits and they have a style for everyone.  You can even try them on at home before ordering.  Another brand decked out in yellow is Fishers Island Lemonade.  Albeit on the opposite end of the spectrum than a bathing suit, it is equally a favorite of mine.  Their spiked lemonade tastes amazing and their branding is pretty rad as well.

I don’t think millennial pink will be going anywhere anytime soon but it should definitely watch its back.

images above via summersalt


The last Instagram Tip Tuesday is self explanatory.  As much as I don't like it and neither will you, we have to deal with it.


Accepting change is not always easy but it is a must.  Our culture is constantly changing and evolving so Instagram must change with it.

If you don't want to deal with the change, you can always hire me (you knew that was coming)!


When someone on Instagram clicks on a hashtag under an image, it goes to the stream of images containing that hashtag. This means that thousands and thousands of people can see your image by clicking on a simple word you type!  


You can also find trending and popular images by searching different hashtags.  It is a way to gather photos themed around similar topics.  Many people use hashtags to chronicle weddings, vacations, blogs.  For instance, my Rhode Island adventures are filed under #oceanstatecait while my pictures of my pup can be found under #littleladydakota.

The basic line is, if you hashtag strategically, more people will see your account and interact with it and possibly follow you.  If you can see what your competitors are hashtagging and what popular pages that are in the same genre as you use, you will be able to benefit.  Use similar hashtags as those in your industry if they are pertinent to the image you post and see how the work out.

Need advice on which hashtags work best for your account?  Need to create a company hashtag?  You can always hire me!


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This weekend flew by but was definitely one of the most fun this summer and I wanted to share just a few pictures from it.  The Washington County Fair started on Wednesday and I tagged along with a bestie her family on Thursday.  We had the best fried pickles ever and sung our hearts out to Michael Ray.

Saturday, I spent the day at the beach... it was relaxing and just what I needed.  Saturday night, T and I headed to the fair with a group of friends.  Jess and I had to get the fried pickles again and we hugged a massive cow.  Seriously massive.  I also was able to convince T to hop on a few carnival rides with me!  Slightly off-balance and rickety rides are not exactly his forte but he was just fine :).

Sunday was a little less relaxing than usual seeing as we had my work's summer party.  Although not relaxing, the view was beautiful!  The owner of the company just bought the most beautiful property and was kind enough to host the event there.  T said the clam chowder was out of this world too (I don't have as much experience to give my opinion on that one)!