
The Chanler's Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop-up

I was fortunate enough to have a Wednesday off last week and my mom and sister came up to Rhode Island to visit. It was probably the best 3 days I have had in a long time. It was full of fun and laughing until we cried (or at least I was hysterical haha). Knowing that they would be making the trip, I had my mind set on going to the The Chanlerโ€™s Peanut Butter and Jelly Pop-up.

Quick backgroundโ€ฆ I LOVE peanut butter and jelly. I have had PB+J burgers, fried PB+J, PB+J ice cream. I canโ€™t say no to one. They are nostalgic, delicious, and I canโ€™t burn them.

Convincing my sister, who does NOT like jelly, was the hardest part but once we got passed that, it was smooth sailing. Most New Englanderโ€™s know that we have been plagued with rain for weeks. Luckily, it was beautiful outside the entire time they were here so we headed into Newport.


I took them to see the daffodils since they were still out in full force and then we headed to Loren Hopeโ€™s beautiful new shop (Iโ€™ll share pictures of that later!). We shopped and worked up an appetite. It was time for my favorite!


The second I read the menu online, I knew I was going to get The Heavyweight and that my mom would get Sweet Tooth. Thankfully we decided to give each other a bite so I could have a taste. My sister also got The Heavyweight and let me tell you, both were absolutely incredible. We could not believe how absolutely delicious they were. The flavors were all there and it was definitely not a simple PB+J sandwich. I wonโ€™t lie to you though, we ended up not doing a wine pairing because my mom and I wanted Bloody Maryโ€™s and my sister chose a margarita.

We sat outside and enjoyed our sandwiches while watching the waves crash onto the shore. I could not have been happier than I was in that moment.

You all must go check out The Chanlerโ€™s peanut butter and jelly pop-up before it closes on May 20th. You might even see me there testing out the other flavors. haha Who wants to go?!

Sweet Tooth - peanut butter, nutella, banana, strawberry, rolled in a fried flatbread

Sweet Tooth - peanut butter, nutella, banana, strawberry, rolled in a fried flatbread

The Heavyweight - pretzel roll, crunchy peanut butter, bacon, cherry jam, and sliced apples

The Heavyweight - pretzel roll, crunchy peanut butter, bacon, cherry jam, and sliced apples


Autumn in New England

Beautiful but fleeting is the best way to describe Autumn in New England. We get just a short amount of time to enjoy the firework leaf display before the temperature starts to drop and we are in hibernation (or skiing, either one really). I took advantage of the 70 degree day on Saturday and went to one of my favorite local Rhode Island farms, The Farmerโ€™s Daughter.

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I wasnโ€™t alone in thinking that it was a great idea today, the entire place was buzzing with families and couples shopping for their homes. I loved seeing all the grandparents with their grandkids. It was absolutely adorable. They also had a ton of activities even if you werenโ€™t planning on taking home any pumpkins. You could walk through the dahlia field, take a free wagon or train ride, head into the corn maze, or try out the pumpkin slingshot. There was also a ton of small activities and pumpkin painting. So. much. happening.

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caitlin james-blog-rhode island-farmers daughter-autumn-new england travel
caitlin james-blog-rhode island-farmers daughter-autumn-new england travel
caitlin james-blog-rhode island-farmers daughter-autumn-new england travel

The Farmerโ€™s Daughter also has these adorably styled greenhouses which I had only even seen in the winter. Their autumn display is just as good. They put so much thought into every bit of decor. It is amazing.

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caitlin james-blog-rhode island-farmers daughter-autumn-new england travel

I shot entirely too many pictures of the flowers and the bees (#savethebees yah know?) so Iโ€™ll include a handful below. I also managed to find the only living hydrangea in all of Rhode Island, naturally.

You will have to tell me if you visit The Farmerโ€™s Daughter this season or if there are any other farms I should visit!

North Moat Mountain

T and I went up to New Hampshire with friends to celebrate two (they're twins) birthdays.  We had the best time and came home sore as ever after climbing North Moat Mountain.  When I made it to the top, all I could think of was how that was the hardest thing I have done physically in years.  I totally regretted not having my inhaler but I am so thankful I didn't give up.  I didn't take many pictures that weekend other than climbing the mountain so here are some of those shots!

Bucket List Item

Similar to Mackenzie's 101 in 1001 list, I have started keeping a New England bucket list.  While yes, these activities and adventures can take place anywhere, I am looking to do them up here.  Some of the travel is out of the country so those do not exactly apply to the New England theme but I promise, for the most part, they all will!

My first list item that I want to share with all of you is... spend the night in a lighthouse. 


There is a surprisingly high number of lighthouses to can rent for the night within New England but I narrowed it down to seven that I would totally go for!

  1. Rose Island Lighthouse - Newport, RI: this one is right in our backyard practically. The price is seriously affordable and it is on the national register of historical places. You have to take a boat out to the island but I can think of worse places to be stuck for the night.

  2. Race Point Lighthouse - North Truro, MA: Depending on the time of year, you can see whales and seals right from the beach. Talk about a dream to me.

  3. Goose Rocks Light - North Haven, ME: Goose Rocks Light has enough to room for up to six guests! Lighthouse party anyone?

  4. Borden Flats Lighthouse - Fall River, MA: Other than a few modern day conveniences (i.e. solar electricity and a modern kitchen), Borden Flats Lighthouse remains true to the late 1800s. This lighthouse stands alone and has been around for over a century.

  5. Wings Neck Lighthouse - Pocasset, ME: Wings Neck Lighthouse is a former Coast Guard property that can accommodate up to 8 guests. Talk about fun!

  6. Little River Lighthouse - Cutler, ME: Little River Lighthouse is situated on a 15-acre island with stunning views of Cutler Harbor. Only accessible by boat, this little slice of heaven is a place for relaxation and adventure.

  7. Cuckholds Lighthouse - W. Southport, ME: Cuckholds Lighthouse actually a luxury Inn. You can rent a suite or even the whole island and it is the perfect for a romantic getaway or a vacation with family. A lighthouse you can be pampered at? Sign. me. up.


In my last post here, I showed you my favorite things to do and places to eat while in my little coastal town of East Greenwich.  After posting, Iโ€™ve gotten a few emails and questions about East Coast Paddle Sports.  I cannot rave enough about this little company.  Although I have only been to their EG location, I bet their Wakefield location is just as incredible. 


It is so easy to book a ticket online and show up that Iโ€™m surprised I am not there every weekend.  The first time I went was to go paddle boarding with T.  It was so much fun and so much easier than we thought it would be!  The girls working there helped us get onto the boards and instructed us where it was safe to paddle and gave us a route that would take up the time we had.  We came back exhausted, freckled filled, and unable to wiggle our toes (seriously!).  You do not realize how many muscles you use in your quads, calves, and feet combined to stay steady on that darn board.


I loved the experience so much that I signed up for paddle board Yoga.  Adventurous, I know.  Needled to say it was just as fun.  I was feeling so confident doing my Warrior II pose and by the end of the class I was the only one that hadnโ€™t fallen in.  Letโ€™s just say that I got a bit too confident (read: cocky) and decided to give a headstand a try.  Next thing I knew, my back was slapping against the water.   I suggest wearing regular yoga gear that you donโ€™t mind if it gets a bit ocean drenched.  If you have a one piece, try that also.  I didnโ€™t have a yoga appropriate one piece at the time so I went with some cropped leggings and a tank.  I have linked a few suites/workout gear that I think would work great instead of sporting something less waterproof!

Sports โ€˜ kayaking does not disappoint either.  T, my friend Jo, and I went one day when we were a bit nervous to fall in because the water was frigid still. Trust me when I say to check the wind speed that day.  We were cruising all the way into the inlet when we suddenly realized to get back, our arms would be dying because the wind shifted directions.

Overall though, I cannot recommend East Coast Paddle Sports enough.  Their employees are the sweetest and most helpful and you cannot beat the prices!