Outfit Inspiration

While I love following bloggers on Instagram, their styles tend to be different than my own. That silk slip dress looks bomb on you girl and that crop sweater is fire but neither are my style nor could I pull them off with my body type (I know and accept that by the way). So where do I turn for my inspiration? Pinterest is vibing the same way as Instagram and it is harder to find things I like or would look good in. I head to Tuckernuck.

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Tuckernuck is a retail brand that I totally adore. They have a some of their own designs and pieces that are exclusive to the site or store and they also carry big name brands like VINCE, Emerson Fry, and Barbour. They have curated the best of the best to make it easy for us to shop our favorite timeless pieces. In their words, Tuckernuck is β€œa boutqiue curated for the classic, American lifestyle and inspired by good, old-fashioned fun.” If that doesn’t make you want to shop there, I don’t know what will.

Tuckernuck publishes a Lifestyle Guide seasonally (I believe?) and it is filled with inspiration. While it would be nice to have all of the clothes featured, I can easily draw inspiration and use it as a guide for the clothes I already have in my closet. The styling is amazing and the guide itself is pretty to look at also since the photography is top notch. Basically, it tells a story. They are able to capture outings and adventures that you could realistically take on the Eastern Seaboard. Tuckernuck does not make you feel like they are out of reach or above you. You are reading through an attainable fashion guide and I love that. I’ll give you an idea of what their photos look like below. These images are all from the FW 2018 lifestyle guide.

I think we sometimes forget that there are still look books and magazines out there to find inspiration in. We are so used to scrolling through Instagram or Pinterest (which obviously I still do) that we forget there are so many other ways to find inspiration. I often feel that people forget real blogs and websites exist since they are so often just turning to Instagram. I challenge all of you to find a new blog or website as a source of inspiration this week. I would love for you to come back and comment your favorite blog or shoot me an email and tell me. I can totally come back here and write another post with other sources of inspiration for all of you. Don’t forget to go outside and look around at your surroundings as well. That will always be my favorite source of inspiration.

Here is a little fun fact for all of you also… today marks Dakota’s 5th birthday. I cannot believe this little lady has been on Earth for five years. She may still act like she is a puppy but that post will be coming soon.

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What is Art?

I think everyone has a different idea of what can be considered art. I am by no means an expert on the subject but I think anything can be art. Thoughts, movement, words. There are so many different ways to interpret the world around us and I think it is fair to say even the world around us is a work of art.

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I am the farthest thing from a graphic designer but sometimes I like to create random graphics and they always end up just going on my external hard drive never to be seen again. I thought it might be fun to share some of the artwork I have created on here. It might not make much sense to others or even be considered art to some of you but after all, this is my space, right?

If you are here for writing, there will be some of that as well but today, I am sharing a series I did called Land, Sea, and Air. I would love to know what you consider art or see some of your work if you want to send it! This is a safe space and I promise I won’t share it.

Brand Spotlight: Booty by Brabants

Founder, designer, and all-around booty boss, Kelly Brabants, was born and raised in Massachusetts. After a career in NYC and LA, she made her way back to Boston, got her personal training ceritifcaiton, and is now one of the area's most sought-after fitness instructors and personal trainers.  Booty by Brabants classes are a high-intensity, booty-shaping workout infused with energetic dance moves and bootcamp style exercises to ignite your core, booty, legs, and arms.  Brabants' classes can be found all over the city and now, her fashion brand can be found all over the country.

After hearing Brabants speak at the Grander Summit, and seeing people I know post about her classes, I knew I had to visit her pop-up shop.  The store is part of the pop-up experience going on in Seaport but you can most definitely order them online and the product ships FAST.  (I ordered my sports bra Friday and it arrived Saturday.)  When I walked into the store, there were already a handful of other woman in there trying on sports bras, leggings, and shorts.  I was immediately drawn to the v-neck sports bra and the olive green croco leggings.  I went to search among the wall of colors and fabrics when I was told that they were one size fits most.  All I could think to myself was that there was no way a one size sports bra was going to fit and the leggings were going to be too uncomfortable.  

I am happy to say I was proven wrong.  I ended up purchasing the olive green croco set above and I am #oBBBsessed.  I want to be 100% honest with you all so while the v-neck sports bra definitely fit me, it would not have been supportive enough for me to work out in (I am a DD).  The regular cropped sports bra is perfect for me though.  I also saw a half dozen woman purchase or try on the sports bras in all different styles and they fit every. single. one.  Small chest, large chest.  All of us fit.  We also all fit into the different style leggings and shorts.  I could not believe it.  I have shorter and thicker legs and the woman in the fitting room before me had to be 5 inches taller with thin legs and we both fit.  Yes, they looked different on us both but both flattering and we were both comfortable.

I have already worked out in the set once and I loved it.  The croco skin is a bit thicker material so it will also be perfect for the cold winters here in New England.  While working out, the leggings hugged me in all the right places.  The fabric is sourced from Brazil and Brabants has legitimately handpicked the best of the best.  Each piece is stretchable to fit all of your curves ands till remains breathable through the toughest of workouts.  I didn't have to pull and tug at anything, each seam stayed in place.  I also was super nervous because I was sweating a lot in this particular Body Pump class (it was over 90 outside and the fans weren't pumping great).  I had sweat a little through the back of my shirt (TMI? sorry.) but never once did I have sweat marks on the leggings.  They definitely passed my test.  I also got three different compliments on the leggings while I was at the gym that day so I would take that as an all-around win.

Seven Ways to Practice Self-Care

I originally had planned to write about another topic today but after an incredibly inspiring weekend at the Grander Summit, I wanted to talk to you all about self-care.  It is so important to take care of yourself.  I think that people get so busy with life, their work, and their loved ones that they forget to take a second and listen to their bodies and their own minds.  I have a few takeaways from the summit and just a bit of experience with anxiety and needing to take a breather so I came up with this list of seven ways to practice self-care.

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  1. Meditate. Easier said than done, I know. During the summit, Nastia Liukin (Grander is her company) asked about how we can stay out of our own head while mediating. What I learned was that you should breathe in through your nose, counting to three. Then breathe out through your mouth, counting to four. Focus on that. It is okay if thoughts creep. Act as if they are clouds passing by. Acknowledge the cloud and then let it continue on its' way.

  2. Drink enough water. Most people do not drink nearly enough water throughout their day. This could lead to things like dehydration, headaches, tight muscles. Use a fun cup with a reusable straw. I always feel like if I am using a straw, I drink more.

  3. Create a ritual that brings you joy. It could be making the bed, lighting a candle, hugging a significant other, or diffusing essential oils. Whenever T and I get home from work, we always make sure to give each other a hug before doing anything else. It makes me happy that he knows that I will always need a hug at the end of my work day, good or bad. Simple and joyful rituals help us to stay grounded.

  4. Exercise. This one is something that I dread but it truly does help. After I retired from gymnastics (aka graduated), I was a bit lost on the whole working out thing. I will write a post about that another time but when I do get into my groove in the gym, it feels so so good. I often find that working out clears my mind and refocuses my energy on what I am doing instead of what is running through my head.

  5. Forgive yourself. Holding things against yourself is never a good thing. You need to learn to let. it. go. Anger and grudges hurt no one other than the person holding them.

  6. Let go of people and things that don't bring you joy. These things are holding you back from living your happiest life.

  7. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are feeling. If you hold onto something, those feelings will persist. If you are able to feel those feelings and get the tears or anger out of your system, the sooner you will be able to move on.


Gray Malin's Rhode Island Series

For those that aren't familiar with Gray Malin's work, prepare to have all the heart eyes.  Gray (let's pretend he and I are on a first name basis) travels the world creating stunning works of art while hanging out of a helicopter.  He creates cheeky moments that you wish you could live in forever.  His tagline is "make every day a getaway" and I think that is something we should all live by.

You may recognize his fun animal or balloon themed photographs or his overhead beach shots but most recently he created a Rhode Island collection and I am dying over it.  He shot in Newport, Westerly, Narragansett, and on Block Island (or should I say above).  While I absolutely love Gray's Nantucket collection, wish I was on safari with some of those animals, and dream about laying on the beaches in his Hawaii, Thailand, and European shots but there is something special about living in Rhode Island and seeing his vision on the state.  

The below are my top three but I think any Gray Malin piece would be a dream to own.

Is there any other photographer you think I would love?  Currently saving for a Gray Malin piece (one day) but would love to know who else I should be following.

Brand Spotlight: Micale Lynn

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love a good scrunchie.  Yes, those giant hair ties that we wore when we were little.  I never really stopped wearing them.  Being a gymnast for 18 years, I have grown quite the collection since every leotard came with a matching one.  Since my leotard days are long gone (gymnastics wise), I had to figure out another option.  While I have bought a few from leotard companies, I found a company that makes fashion-forward options that wear just as tight and comfortable as my old go-to's. 

Enter Micale Lynn.  Not only is the woman behind the brand inspiring and a total boss, the scrunchies seriously rock.  My first experience with Micale Lynn was purchasing a waterproof scrunchie before leaving for my bachelorette in Miami.  I think I wore it every. single. day.  It held my hair in place and it also didn't irritate my wrist while wearing it.  The perfect accessory for any beach or pool day.

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I then brought my trusty waterproof scrunchie on our honeymoon and it was perfect for snorkeling.  I was able to see all the fish without my hair annoying the bejesus out of me.  It also looked great on my wrist while I held that delicious rum punch!

While the waterproof scrunchie was my first purchase, they sent a chambray scrunchie along with it.  It was such a nice surprise and seriously matches everything.  I was so obsessed with wearing it everyday, I went and bought a striped one.  

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I have gotten so many compliments on them when they are around my wrist and in my hair.  If you are nervous that they may be too thick for your thin hair, Micale Lynn has you covered.  While I feel like any thickness works for any type of hair, they have options for those who don't!  There are three sizes Micale Lynn makes; regular, medium, and thin.  My most recent purchase has been a thin, sparkly, pink one that I love.  It is just a tad smaller than my others and reminds me of my old gym scrunchies.  

If you don't want ones that are as colorful as mine, they have so many others to chose from.  Solids, animal prints, leather, velvet; so many options!  There is a sleep collection that is a bit silky, a workout collection, and of course the swim ones I mentioned.  If scrunchies aren't your thing at all, Micale Lynn also carries banana clips, claw clips, and styling clips.  You truly need to look at their stuff for yourself.

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Even Birds Need Nests

Okay so I wrote this post in May of 2017 after attending the Create and Cultivate conference in New York City.  I am clueless on why I never posted it.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that there is not really a take away for all of you.  (or that I don't think I ever really finished it?) Either way, I think its something that still rings true.  I'll let you read it first and then explain my thoughts.

Gloria Steinem spoke at the conference I attended a few weeks ago and she totally blew my mind. Throughout the day, when speakers were presenting, people were still dilly dallying and talking in the background at different booths. It was irritating but I understood that every speaker was not going to be everyone's cup of tea. I was just hoping that by the time Ms. Steinem took the stage, the other women would quiet down and boy was I pleased because the moment her name was announced, the several hundred women went silent. She has an incredible stage presence that draws you in. We were clinging to every word she said.

I had a few takeaways from her time on stage. A major key was that it is okay to be a "hopeaholic." You can hang on to hope and believe in yourself and others because sometimes, that really is the only way you're going to make it through (whatever it is your stuck in). You have to have hope that the future is brighter and that change will happen if you believe in it. Steinem called herself a hopeaholic and I am pretty sure I am one as well.

Another key that Steinem spoke of really hit home for me. She said "even birds need nests." And boy did I almost cry. For some reason I have been extra emotional lately and her saying that struck that cord in me. You may interpret what she means differently than I did and that is great however, this is what I got out of it; it is okay to go home. Wherever or whomever you call home, it is okay to miss it. Home is the place you feel safe and sheltered and sometimes, that is all you need. You can fly anywhere you want and explore the world but you will always have a place to go back to.

Besides the fact that I am indeed a "hopeaholic," I think I was trying to get at that it's okay to miss home and want to go home.  It is human nature (or bird nature? not sure) to have a home base.  You can be a nomad, a traveler, and explorer, but there is always that place or those people that you will want to go back to.  Even birds need nests.

Selecting a Wedding Venue

Full disclosure here because I am all about being honest... I did a blog post about selecting a wedding venue for my work, Longwood Venues, so I may or may not be using some of the same information.  I promise I'll change it up a bit and add more personal information from my experience.  That being said, we could not have had a better experience with our venue, The Carriage House.  It blew us out of the water and I have pretty high standards since I work for a company that owns five luxury event venues.

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Now that I let you know where I am coming from, I will tell you as much as I can so that you can select your wedding venue with ease.  For starters, decide on the aesthetic of your day.  When you begin your search, you need to make sure you and your fiance are on the same page for what you are looking for.  Make sure your personalities shine through.  Walking into one of the venues I toured screamed Philadelphia to me.  While it was beautiful and I loved the chapel on site, I knew it would not fit the aesthetic I was aiming for.  In addition, T has no connection to Philadelphia other than me.  Why would he want to get married at a wedding venue with nods to a city that means nothing to him?  After leaving that venue, I learned that even though you can make each space your own, it is not easy to plan a style-specific wedding at every venue.

The quality of food is another huge factor when selecting a wedding venue.  As stated on the Longwood blog, "It is important to ask questions about where the food comes from and what items are made in-house.  Find out if the food is prepared on-site or in a commissary.  If the venue’s food is prepared in a commissary, be aware of the use of hot boxes (aka food warmers, meaning food probably sits in these boxes for a period of time before being served to guests).  You should also find out if the food is frozen.  Frozen products are usually lower in quality."  I wanted to use that exact quote because it rings true for so many reasons.  You want to make sure the food is delicious and fresh.  It is a huge part of your day and something your guests will talk about for a long time after the wedding is over.  People are still telling T and me how delicious everything was at our wedding and that The Carriage House had amazing food.  We feel extremely lucky that that was our friends and family's response.  Imagine if it was horrible? Yikes.


Another thing to know before starting your search is a rough estimate for the guest count.  You don't want to waste your time looking at venues that can only fit 100 people if you plan on inviting 230 people.  We assumed that we would invite around 150 when we started selecting a wedding venue.  While we ended up inviting 198 people, we knew ahead of time that our venue could accommodate that because it was something we kept in mind when our search began.  Many venues also have varying spaces that can accommodate different guest counts so make sure you look into that when selecting a wedding venue. 

I also think it is key to have a connection with the employees and salespeople you meet at the venue.  If you don't have a connection, don't let that deter you though.  Find someone at the venue that you feel comfortable with.  You will be speaking to them often throughout the process so you want to make sure you get along.  The saleswoman at The Carriage House made the process extremely fun for me.  She told me that all my dreams were possible (cheese fry bar included).  After we booked, our saleswoman left the venue however, they made it a point to make sure I still felt comfortable and confident in them.  The staff was amazing.  You must listen to your gut.  Take note of how long they take to respond to you and if they listen to your needs.  You want the relationship to be open and transparent.

The last thing I will say is to have fun and relax. Keep in mind that you are about to marry your soul mate so the day will be perfect no matter what.  Check out the Longwood Venues blog for a more in-depth explanation for selecting a wedding venue.  You can also always check out our venues.  We have five throughout New England and I guarantee one will be your dream wedding venue.

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*All photography in this post is from our wedding photographer, Elizabeth Friske Photography.  I cannot recommend her enough.  Trust me on this. You can check out her blog post about our wedding here.*


Don't worry if you can't keep up, I can't either.  My family and friends have SERIOUSLY outdone themselves over the last year.  For those that follow me, you know I am getting married in about a month but we have been engaged for about a year and eight months.  

We have a super fun situation in which we both have huge families that we are extremely close with and friends in both states we grew up in (plus a dozen other states).  We live in Rhode Island, where Teddy grew up so that makes half the battle a bit easier.  The best way to sum up what I am trying to say is, we have been partying for the last year and a half.  Right after the engagement, we headed to Sea Isle City for an informal celebration with my close friends and family.  Then, around Thanksgiving, we had a second engagement party in New Jersey because the whole family was in town at my mom's house.  We then proceeded to continue the party in Rhode Island when T's mom threw us an engagement party in Newport.  Are you still following?

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Fast forward to the past few months and I have now had two bridal showers (one in both states) and two/three? bachelorette parties.  It sounds totally crazy but it makes perfect sense to everyone involved, promise, haha.  The weekend of my Jersey shower, me and my besties hit the town in Philadelphia for a night of fun.  I then went to Miami a few weeks after with a smaller group.  Most recently, after my shower at T's mom's house, my girlfriends in Rhode Island surprised us with a night of fun and reckless behavior.  I am guessing you all understand the hashtag now, hahaha.

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I had gotten a few questions about everything and although it shouldn't matter, I thought I would explain it for those curious.  Teddy still has his bachelor party coming up but his friends joined us this past weekend with mine.  If the last year and a half is any bit of a preview for the wedding, we are all in for the best. weekend. ever!

Target's New Line - Opal House

As much as I love our little cottage, we neeeeeed a new house.  I know it will be some time before we get one but I thought it would be fun to look through Target's new line, Opal House, and see what I would buy.  I fell seriously in love with some pieces.  That chair? Holy cow, I need.  The little elephant would be perfect for a house plant in a bathroom or living room.  It's even cute just styled on its own.  

I would definitely want to get that artificial fiddle leaf fig tree because your girl cannot even keep an air plant alive lately.  It looks pretty real too and the price is great compared to some of the other ones I've seen (exhibit A and exhibit B).  I would probably put the tree's pot into the large woven basket I was eyeing.  I have been loving the way people are using baskets as planters lately.

This bar cart is amazing.  We do have a bar cart already but we could definitely have two if we had a bigger house.  #neverenoughwine  But really, they could be styled in completely different rooms and hold different things.  One doesn't even have to be a "bar cart."  The trinket basket and pillow are just must haves if you ask me.  They would serve no purpose other than being adorable in a new home.

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Do you love the line as much as I do?  I kind of wish there was a bit more blue and white accessories but it may be a sign that I have enough of those already!