
What is Art?

I think everyone has a different idea of what can be considered art. I am by no means an expert on the subject but I think anything can be art. Thoughts, movement, words. There are so many different ways to interpret the world around us and I think it is fair to say even the world around us is a work of art.

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I am the farthest thing from a graphic designer but sometimes I like to create random graphics and they always end up just going on my external hard drive never to be seen again. I thought it might be fun to share some of the artwork I have created on here. It might not make much sense to others or even be considered art to some of you but after all, this is my space, right?

If you are here for writing, there will be some of that as well but today, I am sharing a series I did called Land, Sea, and Air. I would love to know what you consider art or see some of your work if you want to send it! This is a safe space and I promise I won’t share it.

Gray Malin's Rhode Island Series

For those that aren't familiar with Gray Malin's work, prepare to have all the heart eyes.  Gray (let's pretend he and I are on a first name basis) travels the world creating stunning works of art while hanging out of a helicopter.  He creates cheeky moments that you wish you could live in forever.  His tagline is "make every day a getaway" and I think that is something we should all live by.

You may recognize his fun animal or balloon themed photographs or his overhead beach shots but most recently he created a Rhode Island collection and I am dying over it.  He shot in Newport, Westerly, Narragansett, and on Block Island (or should I say above).  While I absolutely love Gray's Nantucket collection, wish I was on safari with some of those animals, and dream about laying on the beaches in his Hawaii, Thailand, and European shots but there is something special about living in Rhode Island and seeing his vision on the state.  

The below are my top three but I think any Gray Malin piece would be a dream to own.

Is there any other photographer you think I would love?  Currently saving for a Gray Malin piece (one day) but would love to know who else I should be following.