Post the Picture, Wear the Sweatshirt

I never would have thought that the picture I posted the other day on Instagram would garner so many comments and messages. There was no intention behind it other than I I want to be completely myself so that everyone here will feel safe to be completely themselves too. I wanted to share it here as well (in case Instagram ups and disappears one day because I think it is an important message).

I was wicked hesitant to post this photo for all the wrong reasons. I always had in my head that if I bought a sweatshirt or shirt with a food quote or icon on it that people would see it and be like, “Yeah obviously, she loves that. Look at her.” I have battled with myself for years over what my weight is and how I think of myself. I am constantly over analyzing my reflection in the mirror and today I decided to say screw it. Not that I know those thoughts will suddenly stop but I wanted to post this picture. I think it’s fun and I love this sweatshirt.

We all know I’m obsessed with cheese fries but that doesn’t mean I eat them all the time or that I don’t eat healthy. I can post a picture of some cheesy goodness that I shared with a girlfriend while wearing an adorable sweatshirt and if people want to judge, so be it. I was the one with the fries and they weren’t.

That's a Wrap - February 2019

While January seemed to drag on forever, February flew past in the blink of an eye. I tend to love the month of February since that is when it all began for T and I. Our relationship started back in February 2013 and I am so thankful for that.


This February we decided to head to Colorado with some of our absolute best friends. My bridesmaid Nicole and her boyfriend, Joe, and my sister met us out there with a few other friends and we had the best time. We explored Denver (or should I say ate our way through Denver?) and skied some of the most beautiful trails in the US in Breckenridge. We got to see the Rockies and the Red Rocks Amphitheater and even though there was no show, it was beautiful there.

We laid low for the rest of the month so I figured I would only focus on Colorado for my February collage. What do we think? I am dying to go skiing again this winter so I hope this inspires one of you to come with!


Full Moon Ceremony with Kozmic Ryder

A few weeks ago I attended my first (definitely not my last) full moon ceremony.  I honestly had no idea what to expect.  My fabulous friend Rach invited me along and I have been trying to break out of my comfort zone and be more inspired lately so I said yes!  Something we should all do more of.


When I arrived, I was greeted by so many fabulous women.  I could tell it was going to be GOOD.  There was a circle of pillows and blankets that filled the space and in the center stood a large and beautiful crystal with all types of meditation tools and candles. We all opened our hearts and spoke our truth. The night included a sacred tea ceremony, a transmission on the astrology of the night, sound healing (my favorite part!), and a community ceremony. We did all promise not to speak of what was mentioned in our ceremony so I will leave it at that. I know it must be confusing that I suggest you all attend a full moon circle and then I don’t tell you what goes on but trust me. There is a lot of mediating, growing, and releasing of things holding us back. You will honor yourself and the work you have done lately and celebrate the connections in your life.

Ani of Kozmic Ryder hosted ours and she was incredible. I highly suggest following along with her blogs and Instagram if you are looking for some inspiration. Ani made each and every one of us feel welcomed and included.

If you want to attend the next one, let me know! I will definitely bring anyone that wants to join.

Rhode Island Ranch: Home Inspiration

Teddy and I are finally situated in our new home and we have big plans for the future (our wallets don’t). We are working slowly to tackle different projects and ideas we have for our little Rhode Island ranch. I have gathered inspiration for us and whether it just be a painting, a paint color, or a plant, these photos have all sparked some sort of idea.

For my full inspiration board, you can head over to my Pinterest. While the 'New Home’ board is pretty explanatory, a lot of inspiration is pulled from the board simply titled ‘Inspiration.’ Groundbreaking, I know.

That's a Wrap - January 2019

There is one way to describe January right now; the days are short and the month is never ending. It feels like the longest month of my life. The weather started fairly nice. We didn’t have much snow but then the temperatures dropped to zero and our pipes froze. Somehow they didn’t burst and god bless because I don’t know what I would have done. It is hitting below freezing temps all of the U.S. right now and I do not know how people are functioning. I am just hoping that everyone is safe.

I thought I would create a little collage to try and manifest warmth. (Haha I know, I know. I’m crazy.) I’ve seen these types of collages all over the internet and wanted to give it a go. I love learning photoshop and graphic design things so as long as it interests me, I think I am going to try and do a monthly wrap up collage each month. Here is my first one. Be nice. I am no photoshop expert.

Think warm thoughts.

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Why I Blog

The other day someone asked why I write on here if I get less than 5,000 views a month. After I was taken aback by someone asking me that and assuming information about my analytics (they weren’t wrong hahah), I told them I don’t do this for any reason other than I love writing and flexing creative muscles. I find joy in sitting here and sharing what I find interesting or fun in hopes that some of you find those same things interesting or fun.

I took this at Create and Cultivate’s NYC Conference in 2017 and it still rings true.

I took this at Create and Cultivate’s NYC Conference in 2017 and it still rings true.

I would like to think I will have built a community here one day. A place for women to feel safe and heard and are treated kindly. I have big plans and goals that I want to accomplish but all things take time. I am still trying to build trust and a genuine readership that knows they can count on me for honesty and friendship. I also want people to come here and feel inspired to chase their own dreams. I truly believe in collaboration over competition.

So no, this won’t be my longest post but I feel that it is a necessary one. Hopefully, one day, I won’t have to explain myself to others but for now, it was apparently something people wondered. Let’s try to be less judgmental in 2019 and let people chase their dreams, accomplish their goals, and do what they love without asking why.

Currently Coveting

January, to me, is all about fresh, white, light, and bright. We just finished celebrating the holidays and it is time for a refresh. Many people have started sharing their resolutions, closets have been cleaned out, and healthy lifestyles have begun. I gathered a few of the items I am coveting during this time. (Especially since I am on a no-spend spree.)

*None of these images are mine. All images are linked to their source.

Favorite People to Follow on Instagram

via meg’s isntagram

via meg’s isntagram

Most of you know that I am by no means ever part of those “follow this girl” or this blogger is killing it Instagram story loops.  I do however have a few people that I truly think you should follow if you enjoy the combination of real and messy that I give you every day on the gram.  I wanted to share them with you all on here so you know I mean business. I could probably drag this list on to be about 15 people long but I will keep it short and sweet for you.


Meg, from For the Long Hall, is one of my Instagram friends that I have actually gotten to meet IRL.  She is just as kind and funny in person as she is online and don’t get me started on her little one.  Nell is the most beautiful little girl and more stylish than most bloggers out there. Meg shares her day to day working mom moments and has the best tips for curating a wardrobe, hard boil egg making, and everything in between.  I love her style and her husband is great eye-candy (is that weird to say, Meg?) with awesome dad style.  Trying to curate T’s closet to look like his. Starting in 2019, Meg is doing a year of no shopping. I would kill for that will power. Maybe one day.


Another hilarious story teller is Mary Beth aka MB from The Tailored Haven.  Girl posts the funniest stories on her Instagram.  I am new to following her but I can already tell her content is good.  She does not hold anything back in her stories and her home is absolutely stunning.


Next up is a relatively newer full-time blogger, Lindsey Silberman.  I must point out her Instagram, and her husbands for that matter, to T at least once a day.  I am always so inspired by how real she is.  Her feed is totally goals when it comes to travel and she will tell you how to plan those amazing trips on her blog too.  (Also, you know her writing is good because she was an editor for Town and Country so you don’t have to worry about it being so all over the place like mine.)


Kate Kennedy is a must follow.  For starters, she has written a book that I for some reason have not purchased for myself yet called, Twinkle Twinkle Social Media Star.  If it is any bit as funny as her Instagram page and stories are, you should buy it too.


Riley of Make Things Co. and I have become such good insta friends over the last year!  We are very similar people, it is kind of crazy but I love that we were able to relate to one another so well when it came to wedding planning.  Her art is incredible.  I am dying for my own “James” print to represent me, T, and the little lady.  If you follow one artist and one artist only, let it be her.

via lindsay’s instagram

via lindsay’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

via riley’s instagram

Other people I love to follow but don’t want to drag this on forever:

Alex Lawrence – her vibes slay me and she has a wicked cool job.

Jenna Kutcher – do I need to get into this? I’ve taken her classes, been a guest on her podcast, she is a rockstar.

Jackie Greaney – hands down goals.

Inslee – an amazing watercolor artist and a hilarious story teller.  Her son, Jackson, is usually the focus and he is adorably entertaining.

Things To Do in NYC During the Holidays

The holidays in New York City are magical. Although I don’t live there anymore, I think I have enough insight to compile a list of the best things to do in NYC during the holidays. Twinkling lights, festive activities, and happiness surround you. Although it can be bitterly cold, you won’t be disappointed if you enjoy it while it lasts.

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Rolf’s is an old German restaurant that goes all out. It has an old world vibe and is probably one of the most festive places to eat and drink in the city during the holidays. I haven’t had the pleasure of going so I cannot vouch for the menu but I know for a fact that it is grammable. haha I hear the lines can get a bit long so you should get there early.

The Rockettes

The Rockettes are an absolute favorite of mine. We went a few times when I was younger and I loved it so so much. I still look forward to seeing them on the Thanksgiving Day parade and the tree lighting special on tv every year. I have not been able to get into the city to see The Rockettes perform live in the last few years but I would love to go back with T.

Rockefeller Center

I mean come on. You cannot go to New York during the holidays and skip out on seeing the tree at Rockefeller Center. And for those that cannot make it into the city, although the tree is up until January 7, 2019, they show the lighting on tv. I also highly suggest ice skating at Rockefeller Center’s rink. My sister and I did this when we were younger and it is such a fun activity for the whole family (or a romantic date if you prefer that route).

Ice Skating

If Rockefeller Center is too busy for your ice skating liking, there are rinks in Central Park and Bryant Park also. I have heard The Standard Hotel has a great rink too.

Frozen Hot Chocolate

Serendity 3 has some of the most delicious frozen hot chocolate (what an oxymoron). If you want to sneak inside for a bit, I highly suggest it.

Window Shopping

Fifth Avenue has some top notch windows year round but during the holiday season, WOW. They are works of art during the holidays.

Dyker Heights

This is the only other activity I haven’t done yet. Dyker Heights in Brooklyn brings their A-game during the holidays. You can get a guided tour to see their Christmas light diplays or just drive around yourself. I have heard they could challenge the best of the best Christmas light fanatics.

Pottery Barn's Gift Section

I don’t know if this means I’m an adult but have you all looked at Pottery Barn’s gift section lately? Their Christmas gifting is on point. This may not be something new but it is definitely new to me. I had no clue they curate such an adorable gift section. I pulled some really fun ideas (all from PB for the sake of it being so cute) to show you all.

They have different sections depending on who you are shopping for and how much you want to spend. Anything from under $25 and stocking stuffers to under $100 and home goods. They even break it down for you if you are shopping for someone who loves to travel, a techie, a spa lover, the works.

Gifts for the tech lover

Gifts for the Traveler

Gifts for the Homebody

You get the idea. Thought it would be helpful to know that you can get all your gifts for your friends, mom, coworker, boss, etc. in one spot if you want!